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In the same city, under the same sky... installation view, ZiF Bielefeld University, 2016; p.A.Konik

In the Same City, Under the Same Sky...

2011-2015 / video installation / colour / sound / loop

35 films / variable length 

- 2011/2012 Stockholm (variable; 7 films)                                                 

- 2012/2013 Białystok (variable; 7films)  

- 2013/2014 Istanbul (variable; 7 films) 

- 2013/2014 Bucharest (variable; 7 films) 

- 2014/2015 Nantes (variable; 7 films)

The work consists of 35 testimonies entrusted to the artist by women immigrants from Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, Myanmar, Palestine, Kurdistan, Congo, Chechnya, Ingushetia, Somalia, Nigeria, Cameroon, Ecuador as well as Roma women, the majority of them now living in suburban ghettos or refugee centres in Stockholm, Białystok, Istanbul, Bucharest and Nantes. The women told Anna Konik their stories, often traumatic accounts of fleeing from persecution or mortal danger, separation from family, loss of home and fear for their loved ones. But also of rejection, aversion or racial hostility which they encountered in the countries where they sought refuge. Stories about invisible mental barriers spawned by fear of the other.

In the work, Konik made an attempt to connect two realities: the world of women from ethnic ghettos and the world of women living in normal conditions in their homelands. The formal solution adopted in constructing the episodes of In the Same City, Under the Same Sky is performative, bringing to mind the methods of theatre work. In each city where a new episode was filmed, Konik engaged native local residents (Swedish, Polish, Romanian, Turkish and French women, respectively) as mediums. Sitting comfortably in their homes, they told the immigrant women’s stories, always in the first person, as if they were recounting their own experiences. This important gesture on Konik’s part sheds a new light on a seemingly distant problem. Women ‘from here’ identified themselves with the burden of memory and painful experiences of the Others. What is more, they not only lent them their faces and voices, but above all set in motion a mechanism of empathy that suggests a way to understanding. Perhaps it leads through the crack that appears in the viewer’s perception when the contents of the stories are combined with the images shown on screen.

W tym samym mieście, pod tym samym niebem...


2011-2015 / wideoinstalacja / kolor / dźwięk / loop


35 filmów/ różnej długości

- 2011/2012 Sztokholm (variable;  7 filmów) 

- 2012/2013 Białystok (variable;  7 filmów) 

- 2013/2014 Stambuł (variable;  7 filmów) 

- 2013/2014 Bukareszt (variable;  7 filmów) 

- 2014/2015 Nantes (variable;  7 filmów) 


Praca składa się z 35 historii opowiedzianych artystce przez imigrantki z Afganistanu, Syrii, Iraku, Birmy, Palestyny, Turcji, Kurdystanu, Kongo, Czeczenii, Inguszetii, Somalii, Nigerii, Kamerunu, Ekwadoru oraz przez kobiety romskie. Większość z nich żyje teraz w podmiejskich gettach lub ośrodkach dla uchodźców w Sztokholmie, Białymstoku, Stambule, Bukareszcie i Nantes. Poznane tam kobiety opowiedziały Annie Konik swoje historie; są to wstrząsające czasami opowieści o ucieczkach przed prześladowaniem, śmiercią, o rozłące z rodziną, utracie domu i lęku o najbliższych. Ale też o braku akceptacji, a także niechęci czy wręcz wrogości na tle rasowym, z którymi konfrontowały się w miejscach schronienia. O niewidzialnych barierach mentalnych, stworzonych przez lęk wobec obcego.

Konik podjęła w swojej pracy próbę połączenia dwóch rzeczywistości: świata kobiet z etnicznych gett ze światem kobiet żyjących w normalnych warunkach we własnym kraju.

W każdym mieście, w którym powstawał kolejny rozdział pracy, Anna Konik zapraszała do współpracy mieszkające tam Szwedki, Polki, Rumunki, Turczynki i Francuzki. Kobiety wcielały się w „role” imigrantek i siedząc wygodnie w swoich mieszkaniach, mówiły do kamery spisane historie, zawsze w pierwszej osobie, niczym własne losy. Ta, ważna reżyserska decyzja Anny Konik stawia nagle obcy, wydawałoby się, problem w innym świetle. Kobiety „stąd” utożsamiły się z brzemieniem pamięci i bolesnych doświadczeń tych Innych. Co więcej, nie tylko użyczyły im swoich twarzy i głosów, ale przede wszystkim uruchomiły mechanizm empatii, która wskazuje drogę do zrozumienia. Być może wiedzie ona poprzez szczelinę, jaka pojawia się w percepcji widza, kiedy treść opowiadanych historii nakłada się na oglądany obraz.

In the same city, under the same sky..., 2011-2015

- 2011/2012 Stockholm (7 films) 

- 2012/2013 Białystok (7 films) 

- 2013/2014 Bucharest (7 films) 

- 2013/2014 Istambul (7 films) 

- 2014/2015 Nantes (7 films) 



Text fragment by Prof. Judy Fudge from the book Anna Konik In the same city, under the same sky…, CCA Ujazdowski Castle, Warsaw 2015

copyright.Anna Konik.2016


In the same city, under the same sky..._Stockholm-Sweden_project by Anna Konik_1
In the same city, under the same sky..._Stockholm-Sweden_project by Anna Konik_3
In the same city, under the same sky..._Stockholm-Sweden_project by Anna Konik_2
In the same city, under the same sky..._Stockholm-Sweden_project by Anna Konik_7
In the same city, under the same sky..._Stockholm-Sweden_project by Anna Konik_5
In the same city, under the same sky..._Stockholm-Sweden_project by Anna Konik_4
In the same city, under the same sky..._Stockholm-Sweden_project by Anna Konik_6
In the same city, under the same sky..._Bialystok-Poland-4
In the same city, under the same sky..._Bialystok-Poland
In the same city, under the same sky..._Bialystok-Poland-2
In the same city, under the same sky..._Bialystok-Poland-1
In the same city, under the same sky..._Bialystok-Poland-5
In the same city, under the same sky..._Bialystok-Poland-3
In the same city, under the same sky..._Bialystok-Poland-6
In the Same City, under the Same Sky... - Istanbul_MASTER ENG
In the Same City, under the Same Sky... - Istanbul_MASTER ENG-1
In the Same City, under the Same Sky... - Istanbul_MASTER ENG-5
In the Same City, under the Same Sky... - Istanbul_MASTER ENG-3
In the Same City, under the Same Sky... - Istanbul_MASTER ENG-2
In the Same City, under the Same Sky... - Istanbul_MASTER ENG-7
In the Same City, under the Same Sky... - Istanbul_MASTER ENG-6
In the same city, under the same sky..._Bukares-Romania_project by Anna Konik
In the same city, under the same sky..._Bukares-Romania_project by Anna Konik-4
In the same city, under the same sky..._Bukares-Romania_project by Anna Konik-6
In the same city, under the same sky..._Bukares-Romania_project by Anna Konik-5
In the same city, under the same sky..._Bukares-Romania_project by Anna Konik-2
In the same city, under the same sky..._Bukares-Romania_project by Anna Konik-1
In the same city, under the same sky..._Bukares-Romania_project by Anna Konik-3
In the same city, under the same sky..._Nantes_MASTER ENG
In the same city, under the same sky..._Nantes_MASTER ENG-5
In the same city, under the same sky..._Nantes_MASTER ENG-2
In the same city, under the same sky..._Nantes_MASTER ENG-6
In the same city, under the same sky..._Nantes_MASTER ENG-4
In the same city, under the same sky..._Nantes_MASTER ENG-3
In the same city, under the same sky..._Nantes_MASTER ENG-1
Anna Konik_In the same city, under the same sky... CCA Ujazdowski Castle. photo. Bartosz Gorka_1
Anna Konik_In the same city, under the same sky... CCA Ujazdowski Castle. photo. Bartosz Gorka_2
Anna Konik_In the same city, under the same sky... CCA Ujazdowski Castle. photo. Bartosz Gorka_4
Anna Konik_In the same city, under the same sky... CCA Ujazdowski Castle. photo. Bartosz Gorka_3
exhibition_n the Same City, under the Same Sky..._MNAC Bucharest_photo Larisa Star_7
exhibition_n the Same City, under the Same Sky..._MNAC Bucharest_photo Larisa Star_2
exhibition_n the Same City, under the Same Sky..._MNAC Bucharest_photo Larisa Star_1
exhibition_n the Same City, under the Same Sky..._MNAC Bucharest_photo Larisa Star_4
KN-2014_692_008_102_© Andreas Nilsson_ Malmö Konstmuseum
2_In the same city, under the same sky... exhibition opening _Bialystok part_1
7_In the same city, under the same sky... exhibition opening _Bialystok part_video installation5
W tym samym miescie, pod tym samym niebe
5_In the same city, under the same sky..._Bialystok part_video installation1
W tym samym miescie, pod tym samym niebe
exhibition_In the Same City, under the Same Sky... -ZiF Bielefeld & Intercontinental Academia on Hum
exhibition_In the Same City, under the Same Sky... -ZiF Bielefeld & Intercontinental Academia on Hum
exhibition_In the Same City, under the Same Sky... -ZiF Bielefeld & Intercontinental Academia on Hum
exhibition_In the Same City, under the Same Sky... -ZiF Bielefeld & Intercontinental Academia on Hum
exhibition_In the Same City, under the Same Sky... -ZiF Bielefeld & Intercontinental Academia on Hum
exhibition_In the Same City, under the Same Sky... -ZiF Bielefeld & Intercontinental Academia on Hum
photo credits::
CCA Ujazdowski Castle Warsaw: Bartosz Gorka
ZiF Center for Interdisciplinary Research Bielefeld University: Anna Konik, Alexandra Polina
National Museum of Contemporary Art Bucharest:: Larisa Star
Exhibition Design at National Museum of Contemporary Art  Bucharest:: Attila Kim
Malmö Konstmuseum: Andreas Nilsson
Galeria Arsenal Bialystok: Maciej Zaniewski, Anna Konik

Intellectual Property / All rights reserved. Anna Konik. 2017

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