Screening - DocPoint - Helsinki Documentary Film Festival
Silence Heard Loud / Najgłośniej słychać milczenie
London 2020 – here the paths of seven asylum seekers cross. Their stories reveal the plight of all those fighting a desperate battle for freedom and dignity.
The camera shows them from a distance, zooms in on their eyes, exposes emotions or focuses on the body language. Bit by bit, we eventually piece together seven dramatic stories of Angela, Janahan, Merwa, Michael, Mohamed, Nirmala and Selamawit.
They have fled from war, terrorism, ethnic hatred, persecution or domestic violence. They have escaped death. It seems that they have achieved their goals and may now start a new life in Europe. But is this really the end of their problems and beginning of a new, better life?
Production notes
Konik’s film gives voice to seven people living in the UK as asylum seekers. Konik describes the editing of the seven stories as a ‘kaleidoscopic patchwork’, a phrase which perfectly describes both the style and tone of the film. – –
Silence Heard Loud, as suggested by its title, offers voices to those silenced by their migrant status, and it does so not in the form of a polemic so much as a poem. The cinematography, with long, slow shots and extreme close-ups, offers a tactile, visceral mode of storytelling. By interlacing each contributor’s story, the film emphasises the tragic ubiquity of their narratives.
Sophie Maxwell
Distribution Company: KFF Sales & Promotion